The frightened men of knowledge

frightened men of knowledge
An orphan boy used to play in the streets of a town, named Thorn, on the bank of River Vistula, near the Baltic Sea, in Poland. No one was aware that he would prove fourteen centuries old and accepted theories wrong and irrational. These theories were not only the matter of scientific knowledge for the people, instead a matter of religious belief. In Cracow University of Poland, his worthy teachers sew the seed of deep interest of Mathematics and Astronomy in his curious mind having boundless love for knowledge. Then his thirst for knowledge took him to Bologna University where he studied Law and enhanced his knowledge of Astronomy and Mathematics. He also learnt Greek to have direct approach over the translations that came from Arabic origin. In Rome, he started his career as a university lecturer of Astronomy. He had to teach Ptolemy’s well known Geocentric Theory to his students. The professor was not an ordinary person but was Nicolas Copernicus. Very soon, he resigned from the lectureship of university because he was not sure about the authenticity that he was teaching. He went back to his native town and started working for what he had left his job. There was a huge problem was of fog and he could not see the sky clear, but his passion was beyond limits. He remained busy making his observations and keeping a record of his findings. He silently went on the path of knowledge, studied stars, planets, observed eclipses, made estimations, and then proved them with the help of mathematical formulas. After years’ toil and tiresome struggle, at last he proved that earth is not the center of this universe. Earth is also moving along with other heavenly bodies around the sun, which is stationery. This great success gave the scientist a boundless joy as well as a lot of fear. He concealed his research work because he could not find courage to reveal the truth. He was well aware of hostility of church, which in no time would announce him a pagan and have him hanged. He agreed to publish his work when he was at the edge of grave. He put his book in the name of Pop Paul 3rd in order to please the church. The publisher wrote in the preface of the book that the contents of the book are not based on reality but a mere joke. When the book came before Copernicus, he was at his deathbed and could not find time to have bird’s eye view of his book for which he had spent all his life.
The investigation court with all its majesty and honor was hearing a case; a grey haired old man was standing before the honorable court. His face was contented, his eyes were glittering with the ray of knowledge, but his lips were trembling due to the expected decision. He was once summoned before the same court in 1616, but now the matter was more serious. Now he was there for his book “Dialogue Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the World”, where he had passed ridiculous remarks over Ptolemy’s Geocentric Theory and confirmed the Copernicus’ scientific facts on the basis of his own experiments. The honorable court had declared its decision. The great scientist Galileo who had invented telescope, gave the concept of acceleration, and proved that the time of harmonious motion of Simple Pendulum only depends on the length of the thread and not on the mass of the bob used. He was the man who categorically denied Aristotle’s misconception when he dropped two solid spheres of different masses from the Pisa Tower proving that all bodies reached the ground at the same time. Who served the long time and gave knowledge to the students in Padua University the great center of knowledge in North Italy as well as in Pisa University. Who was not be able to pay full attention to his own children because of his thirst of knowledge? Now he had to admit that all his scientific work is just rubbish. He had been detained in his own house and ordered never to do further work.                
             Paracelsus’ father was a doctor and his mother was head of a hospital at Einsiedeln where he was born in 1493. The life had proved a luxury for him if he would have wished so. However, he chose for himself a bit difficult and thorny way of knowledge. He was the man of unique thoughts and had a rebellious nature against the set and unscientific believes of his time.   He served as surgeon in the armies of three different kings. He remained in the company of surgeons, alchemists, magicians, astrologists, scholars, and gypsies. He remained busy in roaming for quest of knowledge in Europe and many other continents. He went to Iran, visited ancient Egypt and Constantinople. In 1528, when he returned to Switzerland; he was transformed in a well-reputed doctor. He had very modern approach over the medical profession and believed that the tiny organisms are responsible for disturbing the inner human system. He used chemical compounds to enhance the power of the immune system. He was the first person who used opium tincture in medicine and called it Laudanum. At Basle University, he started to teach young doctors. He was a strong and sarcastic voice against the unscientific, un-progressive, blunt quakes, defenders of the set-believes for their personal motives. Many of his colleagues turned against him. His rebellious nature had made many enemies for him. They plotted a conspiracy against him and blamed him of treason. His friends and people having soft corner for him advised him to flee from the scene otherwise, they would hang him up. Thus, a shining star of medical science slipped silently in the darkness. I think it was not the darkness of night but of ignorance that had lost a genius.    

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