Mango is the king in fruits

mango is the king
Once the legend of Urdu Literature, Mirza Ghalib, was leisurely sitting among his contemporaries where ‘mango’ was under discussion. All were counting the qualities of a good mango. When Mirza Ghalib was asked he plainly replied, “Mango must be sweet and plentiful in quantity”. This shows the strong liking of Ghalib for mangoes. Late Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, a well-known politician of Pakistan and highly reputed in making alliances against the existing governments, the evergreen symbol of opposition and great critic of ruling parties, was in habit of sending baskets of mangoes to his fellow politicians. He continued this tradition throughout his life. The former president of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari too never forgets his colleagues including opposition leaders to send mangoes as a gift in mango seasons .It is considered a sign of love and confidence in sub-continent. The people living in mango-cultivated areas do send baskets of mangoes as gifts to their relatives and friends.
India is the home of mango. It was grown in India about 5000 years ago. The legend says that Mahatma Buddha meditated under the cool shade of mango and got tranquility. The word mango is derived from a Tamil word ‘mangkay’ or ‘man-gay’. When Portuguese came to India and settled in the western part of the country, they named this fruit ‘manga’, which afterwards became mango. The traders from Middle East and Africa introduced the fruit in their countries. In India, it is treated reverently and regarded as a sacred tree, which can fulfill every desire of man. Hindus on holy occasions clean their teeth with the twig of mango tree.   

It remained cultivated under the patronage of the great kings of India. The Mughal Emperor Baber first cultivated it on a large area under the Royal custody and gardeners were appointed to look after the gardens. The Rajas of different states of India used to cultivate it as a sign of status and dignity. It is ironical that the real producer of mango is far behind in its export to the world. In top ten mango exporting countries in 2011, India was on number 5, Pakistan on number 3, while Mexico was and still is on top of the list. It is beyond doubt that in mango producing countries, India is on the top and Mexico is on number 6. This fruit has nearly 400 types across the world. The color of the mango does not decide its ripeness. It has yellow, green, and red colors. If you want to check the ripeness of the fruit, give it a gentle squeeze, the thin and fast juice comes out and you are sure that it is ripe. It is full of nutrition and sweetness.
Mexico controls 2/3 of the total export market of mango. The major importer of this fruit from Mexico is USA. Mexico produces five verities and each excels in taste, color, and shape. In the sub-continent, the meal is considered incomplete without the mango pickle. Almost every house has a domestically prepared mango pickle. The food companies earn millions across the sub-continent from the preparation of mango pickle. Mango juices and cold drinks containing its flavor also make much. Mango is not only a fruit but also a commodity for trade and has the capability to prove the backbone of economy of the countries producing it.
The bark leaves, and skin of the tree is used for folk remedies. It provides hundred percent of vitamin C, 35 of vitamin A and 12 percent of daily fiber. It does not need very low temperature for storage; 55 degree centigrade is enough to last it for two weeks. It contains copper also, which is useful for blood vessels of human body. Its benefits for human skin cannot be denied. It helps to enhance the natural glow to it and also helps in clearing the pores of skin, at the same time it reduces pimples. The boiled and filtered water of its leaves is a relief in diabetes. It comprises fibers, which regulates the digestive system and acts as a relieving food in constipation. A cool glass of mango juice minimizes the effects of sunstroke in scorching hot summer. Nature has gifted it with protective effect of cancer and heart diseases.
A country like ours having bumper produce of mango must try to excel in its export. Beating Mexico, we can hold its export market like we did in sports items. A mango day must be celebrated across the country any time during mango season.

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