Is death the ultimate reality?

is death the ultimate reality
I am neither a philosopher nor an intellectual to make you digest the tangled, knotty and abstract concept of metaphysics. Nor am I a religious preacher to tell you the horrible and frightening details of the life after death. I just intend to discuss with you the death whose mere name is enough to make us shudder.
Sometimes death looks like a phenomenon, which cannot be comprehended, and at the same time, all its aspects illuminate every corner of my mind and heart. Now and then, I think death is nothing but a gateway to the world hereafter. If it meant the death of elements with which humans are composed, then you all know that the decomposition of the mortal body will release the elements and the immortal thing will bow before the LORD. Our spirit does not accept it and elements return to their source. What is death then? 
Sometimes I think that death is the separation of the finest seed (spirit) from the matter. The character of human race is just like a “spirit “because it seems immortal whether good or bad. As I ponder upon history, I come across the personalities that have left the world long ago before but their characters are discussed even today. Centuries ago the great names in various fields have passed away, no signs of their graves are left behind, and if they are there, nobody is certain about them, but their characters, their works, their achievements, their inventions, their laws, their theories, are still alive. Then what death means?    
Death makes me feel its presence at the same time as, millions rather trillions of people came in this world and died quietly. They became the forgotten tale of the past with the passage of time. Nobody knows them even the people of their lineage do not have any introduction to them. They came in the world; they spent their life span, did nothing great, which could earn them eternity. It means death is something, which wipes the man out from the face of the earth. This then suggests that the sons of Adam are in constant war with death, which is always won by death, but sometimes a shameful defeat becomes its fate, and man gains eternity.
I think death is very clever and genius. It does not care for the kings, or the conquerors. Countless rulers and warriors having giant powers were there in past but today nobody knows even their names. You are unable to trace the whereabouts of their Empires and countries on the world map. No doubt, they were rulers; nobody could speak loudly before their majesties. The people trembled before them and they decided life or death for them. However, they hid in the dust of centuries. Only those were able to get eternity who did something great. Their service to humanity, their generosity, and broad heartedness for miserable and helpless gave them a life and they would never die.
I think of Shakespeare, centuries have passed nobody knows his lineage, but his work in literature is still alive. His classical rather immortal drama and his thought provoking poetry is even alive today. The scholars are writing books on his work trying to understand his point of view from different perspectives. Leonardo da Vinci is still alive in the smile of Mona Liza. Only a smile bestowed him eternity, the people say. Nobody mentions the force, which culminated all his self in the strokes of his brush, which took three precious years of life of the artist to be materialized. Allama Muhammad Iqbal died but it is a clear defeat of death. If we gather all the volumes written about Iqbal and his works, you will be unable to decide whether it is death or life. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was an embodiment of commitment head to toe; with the assignments, he was entrusted.
Have these history making personalities died? Aristotle, Hippocrates, Plato, Galea, Copernicus, Sir Isaac Newton, Avicenna, Ibn-i- Rushad, Immam Ghazali, Ibn-i-Khuldoon, are still live and do not feel dead from any perspective.
Those who make use of life to transform into something get eternity and those who are afraid of death are often forgotten. The people who did or tried to do great were given life by death. On the other hand, life gave eternal death to them who preferred to live in their own cyst.    

1 comment:

  1. ﻛُﻞُّ ﻣَﻦْ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻬَﺎ ﻓَﺎﻥٍ ﮦ
    (Sura Ar-Rahman, Ayah 26)

    [Shakir] Everyone on it must pass away.
