A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever..

a thing of beauty is a joy forever
Let me begin with the saying of the Prophet of Arabia (PBUPH) “, God is the most beautiful and He loves beauty”. Perhaps, God has created this universe on this very rule. The best creation of God is human being and He has bestowed the gift of aesthetic sense to man. It is the instinct of man that he always loves symmetry, order and discipline around him. He does not like things at sixes and sevens the trillions of years have passed since man is trying to enhance the beauty of this word, but he has not gone a single step ahead the ancient beauty of Nature. Because nature is created by God and its beauty has an immortal effect in it.
Man, like God, loves beauty. He has tried to make this word beautiful. In this attempt, he has created ‘wonders’ in the world. These wonders of the world are unique in design, texture and splendor. Who does not praise Taj Mahal? It is a love monument by a Mughal Emperor. The tourists from all over the word come and enjoy its beauty. It does not offer heaps of silver or gold to its visitors but satisfies their sense of beauty. Pyramids of Egypt tell the story of centuries ago. They have tied both history and geography plainly in them. The visitors get no material benefits from them but they take their prints deep in to their hearts. They offer delights to their eyes. Their sophistication gives a kind of pleasure to them. Niagara falls attract the people to its heavenly scenes. The falling of silvery water splashes and the water drops make a man acquaint with the goddess of nature. People spent millions of dollars only to have some glimpse of the beautiful objects. There is no trade, no brokers, no money, no jewels but one cannot deny the treasure of beauty and charms of these places. These pretty things open the window to the soul of man and fill him with insight, reason and wisdom.
Intellectuals, poets, literary figures and historians are very sensitive people of society and always pay tribute to beauty. William Wordsworth was the cherished child of nature. He remained busy throughout his life in praising beauty. Beauty aroused his aesthetic sense and he went on looking countless daffodils in one glance. He crosses the limits of reasons in praise of beauty. Writers write scenes in their works relating to nature and enliven them as well as their works. The thoughts of intellectuals have beauty in them and feel ever fresh and new.
The rivers, their waves and whirlpools attract us to have a sight and enjoy ourselves. The long stretched sandy dunes in desert have an exclusive attraction in them. The rising of son and transformation of night in to day are the most charming scenes. The reddish horizon in the evening is so beautiful and natural phenomena that raises strange feelings in a poet’s heart. The stars in the sky at night are not only beautiful but also have a soothing effect on our hearts. The full moon spreads light, softness and fascination that man never wants to miss its mellow sweetness.
The flights of birds coming to their nests look charming. The symmetry in flight, the speed they possess, the sound they utter all give a kind of joy to us.
If we consciously look around, we come across various things filled with beauty. Our seasons are the one embodiment of it. The spring has a magical effect on our life and temperament. It is like the gallery of an artist where colors are spreading around. Can we deny the beauty of autumn, tall leafless trees with extended branches like a fighting army in uniform. The clouds of rainy season are so dark and heavy; it seems they are the black hairs of goddess of beauty. The rain in this season, whether drizzling or heavy, is the most pleasant scene, which most of us enjoy as a special gift of God. Beauty fills the vacuum in our inner self. It has the capability to change our gloomy moods to give us the sense of freshness. It has total sweetness in it. It has a power to dominate sorrows, vows and sufferings and create a delicate sense of joy and pleasure in us.

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