Life is made of thorns and roses

life is a combination of thorns and roses
Life is a fine blend of pains and pleasures. The percentage of sorrow remains low in the scale of life. Buddha said, “The world is the home of sufferings”. The human nature is designed to cope with all situations. The hope for better future always remains alive. The man is always hopeful even until the last moment to recover from the prevailing difficulties. God has bestowed man a flexible nature that in a way that he always has a ray of hope in his one eye and tears in the other.
The Northern areas of Pakistan met with a terrible earthquake in the history of this country. The devastation was done at large scale. Multitudes of people died, and injured. The houses, no matter how big or small, collapsed. Those who escaped the catastrophe were worse than the dead were. They were to pick and bury the dead bodies of their dear ones. It seemed that these calamity-stricken people would not be able even to smile in future. No doubt, tragedy took roots deep into the hearts. What was the meaning of life for those people without their near and dear ones? However, the wheel of time did not stop. The life sprang from the ashes. The people rebuilt their settlements again among sobs and tears. The life moved on slowly and steadily then. The eyes the remained wet with tears went back to life with heavy hearts. They wiped out the effects of the great tragedy and became the part of game of life again.
In 1979, Afghanistan faced sever and sudden military intrusion from Soviet Union. Nothing could have been seen across the country except bullet and bombs, fire and smoke. Massive killings and rape incidents were reported by the newspapers. People took refuge in neighboring countries. They faced a lot of sufferings including the death of their children, hunger and unemployment. However, it never happened that they hated life. The smiles never vanished from their lips. They carried dead bodies of their siblings and children as well as they attended the marriage ceremonies. They celebrated their little joys and the cycle of life went on.
The nuclear attack on Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki can never be scratched from the pages of history. The people were put into the hell of fire and nuclear radiations. Their flesh separated from their bones. Their pain can never be expressed in words. Even then, the people came out of the great calamity and learned to live and smile again.
Thousands of people across the world die in air and road accidents, in floods and cyclones but the life continues to go on. Terrorist attacks make the women widows and children orphans. Their plight is unbearable but with the passage of time, the life makes its way forward.  
The troubles and hardships of life make the man learn enough and be wise. Everybody relishes these experiences of the past more or less. Life has been designed in a way that everyone has to face the difficult situations. This makes him strong to live the life to the full. If he loses heart and forgets to smile, he will never be able to accomplish his responsibilities. He has to keep pace with sufferings and joys. Happiness is like a rose surrounded with thorns. If somebody wants to have the fragrance, he must not be afraid of the thorns but be ready to deal with them.

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