Diversity is the real beauty

diversity is the beauty
We often hear people complaining about the unequal status in different strata of society based on wealth and riches. If Allah Almighty has created the world justly, then why He has created differences in human race. Some are working hard while others are born with silver spoon in their mouth. There are many who do not have enough money to keep their body and soul together, and multitudes are seen with heaps of wealth. The roads are busy with people having diverse personalities who are rushing to their job places. How this can all be justified?   

Imagine for a moment if all the offsprings of the same parents are alike in habits, behavior, and complexion. How dull and boring will be the atmosphere of the home. With the same shape and color of hair and eyes, it will just be like statues standing in showcases. Wouldn’t you feel them like robots walking around you? The home is really a sweet home when its inhabitants are diverse in each and every thing. If the whole family wears the same colors, it might be interesting for some time, but soon you will get bored and will feel uneasy and strange. This is just one example. How is it possible to accept the uniformity of the world then?

The difference of rank and status can also be justified and proved as a blessing for us rather compulsory to run the system smoothly. However, the question is will the world be able to live without that? Aristocratic society cannot exist in the absence of low rank people. It will collapse before it is established. Similarly, rulers, generals, intellectuals and poets, are unable to live alone without other people of low ranks and status.

This planet earth will be deserted and a place of wilderness without its diversity of natural scenery. We enjoy plains, rivers, plateaus, hills, mountains and glaciers in different parts of the world. All this diversity and variety are adding to the beauty of nature. The trees of different types look beautiful. The flowers of the same color on the world will bore us and irritate our minds, even though they have pleasant fragrance. Our earth will not be enough without rivers and oceans. The dry soil of earth would be no more fertile and be able to produce crops in the absence of the rain. The incessant rains would result in the extinction of the human race. Only one type of flowers would result into a terrible famine on the land.
Imagine your world with aggressive and short-tempered people only. Wouldn’t hell be better than that? If injustice, fraud, and deception to others would be the only value of the society, would this society not be worse than a jungle? Even in the jungle, animals prey as long as they are hungry. If power is the only rule, the life would have been a constant agony for the people. If all the human beings would have been pretty having captivating beauty, none had praised the delicacy. This way beauty owes a great deal to the ugliness of the world. The subtle thoughts of the poets would not transform into masterpieces of literature. If on the other hand, only ugliness had prevailed on this earth, the yearning of beauty would have been a dream only. Imagine once again the world without women. The male dominated society of ours could not be able to survive. Continuation of human progeny would have been impossible. Men would perform everything for themselves in a ridiculous manner. Our homes would turn into circus. Wearing knickers, men would be found busy in kitchens. Let me say, that a fashion less, still, and static life would never be acceptable for any one. Similarly, if men were no more, the lonely feminine world would be a ridiculous one as well. The life would be nothing but a joke.

Perhaps none of us is willing to face the above situations. The truth is that diversity is a blessing and unavoidable. It keeps every element in its limits and never allows anything growing lavishly. The real taste of life lies in variety. Different people with different temperament and approach are an anthology of life. The hierarchy is necessary to maintain the discipline and order of this planet. If wealthy people are important you cannot deny the fact that, the poor are also the backbone of the society. Male and female are important as well. They equally contribute to the beauty and charm of this world.

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