Character can never be defeated

character can never be defeated
Those of you who know a little about Islam will also be aware of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was the embodiment of resoluteness, dedication, devotion and commitment. When the people of his city including influential figures turned against him and their enmity crossed the limits, a delegation called at his uncle Abu Talib and said, “If your nephew (Muhammad PBUH) wants to marry, we offer him the most beautiful woman of Arabia. If he wants to be the head of state, we agree. If heaps of gold and silver is his demand, we can fulfill it too. In return, he must be quite about our idols that we worship. Otherwise, we will kill him. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied to his uncle “If they put sun in my right hand and moon on my left hand I shall not abandon to convey the message of God. I shall establish the will of God even if I die in this attempt.” This was the character he showed at the time when his life was at great risk. Even then, he did not show any anxiety or cowardice. It was his commitment to the purpose that in a very short time of only 23 years, he changed a crowd into a nation. A changed and purified faith began to run in blood of the people. A new state was established. A new constitution was declared and a new society was set up based on mutual love, sympathy truth and honesty.

The history of Egypt reveals a character Prophet Joseph, the son of Prophet Jacob. Sold as a slave in the bazaar of Egypt, the man who bought him took Joseph to his home. He was an extremely beautiful boy at that time. He was brought up in this house. When he grew up to a young man, the house lady tempted him and invited him for illicit relation. Prophet Joseph rejected the temptation and fled from the spot. He was put into prison afterwards; long prison period was a series of worries, troubles and mental anguish but Joseph was committed to his God. Truth and honesty was his preference in life. Therefore, he bore all problems with courage and patience. As a result of his determination and patience, he was released with honor and was declared a truthful man who had committed no sin. The history tells that he later became the finance minister of Egypt the most powerful man of the country. Inspite of all the hostility and opposition, character made its way and honored Joseph.
The readers might say that I have discussed the character of Prophets only. They are already at height of character due to the responsibility they have to fulfil. Let me talk about the most refined and elevated individuals of common race whose character made them exclusive personalities. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a common person, son of a trader. Whatever he gained in life owes a great deal to his character. He made himself bound to principles. He always stood with truth, honesty and firm determination. These qualities provided him base to build his character. As a lawyer, he never compromised on principles. As a politician, he did what he thought was right. Once he had decided at something, he stood by his decision, no matter what the circumstance. There were many prominent people in Muslim community of united India. However, he got honor and dignity not only by his own people but his bitter enemies also accepted the fact that Jinnah can never be bowed or purchased. It was the power of his character and magical effect of his personality that street men who did not even know English, were unable to understand his language but were very keen to listen to his speeches. Once a man was asked by a journalist.” Do you understand what Jinnah is saying?” The man replied, “I do not know what he is telling but I know he will do what he is saying.” It is a tremendous tribute ever paid to any politician in history. His love for truth and his mission was beyond limits. This common person changed the history as well as the geography of the subcontinent.
Nelson Mandela is an honored name of South Africa. His father was not very influential and Nelson was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Today his name is the sign of peace, struggle and respect. This is all due to his personal character. What did he not do for his nation? He was opposed badly by fanatic racism. He himself relished it during his life. However, he never lost heart. He struggled hard for black Africans for their independence in political self-determination. In 1948 general elections, only white people were permitted to cast vote in South Africa. Mandela strongly opposed this and became the part of struggle for the black people of South Africa. He was caught by police in 1962, spent a long time of his life in prison. He was offered a conditional release in 1985 but he spurned the offer releasing a statement through his daughter. “What freedom am I being offered while the organization of the people (African National Congress) remains banned?” He faced unfavorable circumstances during his imprisonment. He was put in solitude imprisonment and given second class in jail. All these pains and hardships could not stumble his resoluteness. The people saw this prisoner in the office of president of South Africa. What made him victorious despite of all difficulties? It was the worth of his character, which never defeated Mandela.
Mahatir Mohammad of Malaysia was the son of a teacher. He was a medical graduate and a doctor by profession. His natural interest in politics made his way straight to the Prime Minister Office of Malaysia. He was sworn in as prime minister on July 16, 1981, at the age of 56. During his tenure, Malaysia emerged as a strong economic power. He was the father of modern Malaysia. In 1990, Mahatir got the opportunity to outline the economic vision of Malaysia. He announced vision 2020 under which Malaysia would aim to become a fully developed country within 30 years starting in 1990. He had more political power and resolved to cut financial support of the Royal Family. A historian Berry Wain writes that by the mid of 1990 Mahatir became the country’s ‘uncrowned king’. In 2002, he announced that he would design as Prime Minister. The people of Malaysia requested him to remain the PM. He subsequently fixed his retirement for October 2003. He spent 22 years in Prime Minister’s Office and became the world’s longest-serving elected leader when he retired. There is no need to say that his character drifted away all difficulties off his way.
Character does not bow but stands up straight in the gale of opposition. Total commitment is required to overcome the hardships. The men having stronger character earn fame, dignity and honor, not only for themselves but also for the nation.

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