Causes of Stress and its effects on us

Tension or stress is the part of our daily life. At breakfast, on hearing that today is the last date for depositing the examination fee of the younger daughter, we become tense. On the road when traffic is jammed, we have no other option to express our anxiety but to dash our hands on the steering wheel. This mental stress or tension causes many diseases in our body. Sometimes people suffer from severe heart failure and meet with their ultimate death.
Human body reacts against the stimulus of stress by excreting some hormones in blood. Para-Sympathetic and Sympathetic nervous system are very significant in this regard. In normal states and conditions, our Para-Sympathetic nervous system controls our inner organs and their functions. However, in emergency our sympathetic nervous system comes forward and makes us prepare to meet the situation by releasing Adrenaline hormone in our blood. This hormone tries to save the body but afterwards the same excretion becomes a big hurdle in the way of body to perform its functions.

A gland called Adrenal Gland releases adrenaline. The repeated release of this hormone causes high blood pressure and constant indigestion. Suppose our organs are in the form of a chain when stress occurs the weakest ring of this chain breaks. The result is exhaustion, nervous breakdown, high blood pressure and heart disease. If stress is not released, death is the ultimate result.
The list of reasons that lead us to the fold of stress are a lot but some of them are:
·         The death of spouse
·         Divorce
·         Separation from spouse
·         Economic pressure
·         Retirement
·         Death of family member
·         Nature of job
·         problems created by in-laws
·         Job transfer against will
·         Being issue-less or having no male issue.  
Sleeplessness is the first outcome we receive from mental stress. It is not much dangerous if it happens at times. But it is the problem of every night or it lasts through weeks, then it seriously affects human health. Peevishness, exhaustion, and lack of concentration are the initial outcomes. Man can live weeks without food but cannot live for long without sleep.
Severe headache is another problem initiated by tension. It creates the stress in the muscles of neck and our head that causes ache and restlessness. In 90 percent cases, headache is due to our mental tension. Exhaustion is the common complaint after our day’s work but believe it, our weariness is not due to our work, in most cases, our stress lies behind it.
Married life that everyone starts with love and care but soon the trivial conflicts sprang out that create tensed circumstances. Sometimes wives do not keep pace with the husband’s low income and his other responsibilities like younger brothers, sisters, and parents. The atmosphere of the house is no better enough to breathe in. The husband becomes the victim of stress and easy prey to diseases.
Jealousy plays a vital role to produce stress in life. Feeling envoy over the prosperity of others and turn a deaf ear to own circumstances give way to stress. Actually, it is the inviting call to various health problems.  The question is how to avoid the stress to enjoy peaceful and tension free life. Is it possible? If yes, to what extent? It is observed that the people living in rural areas are more peaceful than that of urban areas. They are never in hurry and enjoy full tranquility of mind. They sit idle for hours and enjoy gossip with their fellow folks. The fast and hasty life of cities causes stress. If we can avoid unnecessary urgency, we may be able to get relief.
The people who remain in close connection with their God feel contented and a sense of calmness even in adverse circumstances. The firm belief in God leads you to a life without any stress or anything like this. It creates the qualities of tolerance, patience, forgiveness, and control over anger, which are the roots of stress and tension. Regular exercise too plays an important role to keep the stress apart. The people of age 20 to 40 must participate in games like cricket, hockey and football. Walk, exercise, and physical work release tension and make a man to have a sound and peaceful sleep, which gives much relief to the muscles. Involving in our favorite activities keeps us away from stress. Reading books and writing provide us shelter against it.
Success and failure are an integral part of life. We must not take them at heart and must show the sportsmanship. Failure demands analysis and the use of force in right direction. Instead of lamenting on failing, we need to make it a ladder for future success. Only the people achieve their goals in life that learn lesson from their failure.
Your thinking must be rational. Avoid copying others and do what is right to your conscience no matter what others say about you. Once decided, you have to be what you actually are. If you succeed to recognize yourself, you will overcome all of your worries and sufferings. Complete peace of mind and no stress in life is almost impossible if you want. When it becomes a permanent experience rather a part of life, it casts bad consequences on health and gradually leads one to the brink of grave.

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